Eggs for Breakfast Sandwiches...

Eggs for Breakfast Sandwiches...
By: Amy! 

Thank you Pinterest

I saw this floating around on Pinterest awhile back and finally decided that

 I needed to make some eggs for quick and easy breakfast sandwiches.  
I definitely need to eat breakfast in the mornings and I need something substantial. 
 I can't just have a yogurt or apple or something, I'd be hungry a half hour after eating it! 

This is the perfect solution.  The eggs are ready to go each morning and I 

just need to grab an english muffin, a slice of cheese and I'm out the door.  
I usually eat at work so I bring all of my supplies to work and am able to make a hearty, 
tasty breakfast at work! 

As you can see, I put some spinach in a few of the egg wells. It was a little tricky 

getting the spinach to stay under the egg, so that it would cook IN the egg and not float to the top. 
 It took a little maneuvering with a fork but it all worked! 

Spray your muffin pan with some non-stick cooking spray. 

Crack one egg into each well.  
Sprinkle the eggs with a little salt & pepper or whatever seasonings that you'd like.  
Bake in the oven at 350 for about 15 minutes.  You could cook them for a bit less if you 
wanted a runny yolk.  However, I wanted to be sure that the eggs were fully cooked. 

Store your cooked eggs in a tupperware container in the refrigerator for about a week.  

Use your judgement though.  If they look/smell bad, I wouldn't eat them. 
I made a dozen of these, so that lasted my Husband and I only 6 days, 
which was perfect for our work week.


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